Drone Drugs Shot Down!!

A Syrian drone carrying methamphetamine was shot down by the Jordanian military while flying into Jordanian territory. State news agency Petra reported on Sunday (14/8) citing a source from the Jordanian armed forces. They say the drone was captured and brought down, and the methamphetamine was handed over to the authorities.

The Jordanian military has previously downed drones from Syria carrying narcotics or weapons. However, it is rare to identify confiscated drugs as methamphetamine. Syria is a hub for the multibillion-dollar drug trade. Therefore, Jordan is the main transit route to the Gulf countries for shipments of the Syrian-made amphetamine known as Captagon.

Military and security officials from Jordan and Syria have met to discuss ways to curb the growing smuggling problem. Despite the promises from Damascus, Jordan said they have yet to see any real effort to clamp down on the illicit trade. So far, there has been no immediate comment from the Syrian authorities.

In an interview last week, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied Syria’s role in the drug trade. According to him, ending narcotics smuggling is a common interest shared by Syria with Arab countries. Al-Assad’s pledge to crack down on drug trafficking paved the way for Syria’s re-entry into the Arab League last May after 12 years of exile.

The Jordanian army announced in June that it had shot down three drones trying to cross from Syria into Jordan, including one laden with weapons. (Resource : Aljazeera/Z-4)

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