Indonesia-Kenya in Trade and Investment in the Energy Sector

President Joko Widodo started his tour on the African continent by visiting Kenya. During his working visit to Kenya, Jokowi met Kenyan President William Ruto, Monday (21/8). During the meeting, the president said that the two countries agreed to expand trade cooperation and increase investment in the energy and livestock sectors.

“In the previous meeting, we discussed a number of things, the first is increasing trade which will reach US$507 million in 2022 and needs to be expanded by exploring various other opportunities,” President Jokowi said during a joint press statement after the meeting as quoted from the YouTube Presidential Secretariat.

Indonesia, continued the president, will increase investment in Kenya, especially in the energy sector. The investment cooperation involves PT. Pertamina with the Geothermal Development Company worth US$1.5 billion with the Gunma Group.

The cooperation agreement in the renewable energy sector, said the president, is expected to be realized and expanded soon. He also emphasized the need to form a bilateral investment treaty between the two countries.

“The third is cooperation between the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) of the two countries and cooperation between PT Bio Farma and Biovacs, with Generic Africa Ltd regarding vaccines and pharmaceutical products. I hope this can be expanded to other medicinal products and pharmaceutical products,” he hoped. president.

Indonesia, said Jokowi, had conveyed his commitment to help Kenya through Indonesia Aid. The assistance covers the fields of health, food security, disaster management. “In the future, this will continue to be improved, especially for sectors that are priority for Kenya,” Jokowi said.

In the midst of the current global uncertainty, President Jokowi invites global south countries or countries in the southern part of the earth, to strengthen the spirit of Bandung. The Bandung Spirit in question is the Non-Aligned Movement which was initiated during the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java in 1955.

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